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Millie's a witch, so why can't she do magic? Despite her mother’s best efforts to teach her, every spell Millie tries goes horribly wrong, but she’s a fabulous cook. When Millie conjures chocolate sauce instead of a transformation potion, her mother gives up and sends her to the Enchanted Forest School, where she’s bullied by goblins, snubbed by an elf, and has her hat stolen. Even as Millie’s magical talent begins to develop, turning her…

Millie tries so hard to do magic but fails at every turn although she is an amazing chef and baker. Her mother, Bogdana, berates her for not being a better witch at age 11. When Millie is given the opportunity to go to school, she is excited and nervous at the same time. No witch has ever gone to school before. She is surprised to see her brother Max at school waiting for her.

The two of them make friends and a few enemies. Petunia is a pixie with about a dozen siblings. Sagara is an elf living with her grandmother. Soon they find out Saraga’s plan to run away from home and see her mother in another realm. Millie is so unhappy at home; she too wants to run away. Together the group of friends make the necessary arrangements.

The story is face paced and the characters are well developed. It is written from the third person point of view. This is the first book in the Enchanted Kitchen series. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the rest of the series with stories featuring Petunia and Sagara.

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