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Published: 11/1/2019
Suzie and Orbs are in their thirties and have been together for a couple of years. Orbs reluctantly makes a living in the City and Suzie is a respected financial journalist, but each has another life hidden from the outside world... Their secret existence is threatened first when Suzie is offered a highly visible job, and then by an accident that turns their lives upside down. This is their struggle to survive as partners.

Orbs and Suzie are entertainers living in London. Orbs is a professional Fool but works at a bank. Suzie is a ventriloquist with her fox puppet Bruce and has a day job as a financial journalist. When Suzie has an accident, their lives are turned upside down. She loses her voice and confidence. Orbs does what he can to keep the house going and making sure Suzie is cared for. They have to work together to overcome their circumstances if they are going to be able to move forward.


I actually read this book twice. The discussion of mental health needs to become more mainstream and the stigmatism of it removed. I applaud the author for addressing the issue. This book is written in the first person and in the presence tense. It is a short book and a quick read.

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