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Have you heard about mindfulness and want to practise it but find it challenging? Crystals can help in so many ways. They have been around for millions of years and in their terms the passing of decades is merely the blink of an eye, so they offer new ways of perceiving your life. Gazing into the depths of a crystal offers you instant clarity and stillness of mind. Providing a point of soft focus, crystals…

The book is divided into the following sections

How this Book Works

What is Mindfulness

How Crystals Help

Using Your Crystals

Part 1: Using Crystals for Mindfulness

Part 2: A Directory of Crystals for Mindfulness

Nowadays we all hear the term mindfulness but what does it really mean? I love the description she gives for mindfulness. It is something you are rather than something you do. (Kindle location 12.6) The book contains beautiful photos of stones and crystals. Part 1 includes the chakras. Part 2 contains descriptions and qualities for each crystal.

This is a short book but is full of information. If you are interested in mindfulness or crystals, you will enjoy this book.

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