All These Perfect Strangers
Published: 8/16/2016
You don’t have to believe in ghosts for the dead to haunt you. You don’t have to be a murderer to be guilty. Within six months of Pen Sheppard starting university, three of her new friends are dead. Only Pen knows the reason why. College life had seemed like a wonderland of sex, drugs and maybe even love. The perfect place to run away from your past and reinvent yourself. But Pen never can run…

240 Pages

Publisher: Random House Publishing Group / Alibi

Release Date: July 12, 2016


Pen Sheppard is a first year studying law at university. She has a hidden past and is afraid someone will find out about it. When Rachel tells Pen that she knows her secret, things go quickly from bad to worse. How much can happen

The book jumps back and forth from town with her psychologist to university. I got confused at times because I wasn’t sure if the action was happening or if Pen was recounting it to her doctor. It is written in first person point of view. To me the characters needed more depth. I did not really care about them.

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