The Churchill Sisters
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Published: 12/7/2021
As complex in their own way as their Mitford cousins, Winston and Clementine Churchill’s daughters each had a unique relationship with their famous father. Rachel Trethewey's biography, The Churchill Sisters, tells their story. Bright, attractive and well-connected, in any other family the Churchill girls – Diana, Sarah, Marigold and Mary – would have shone. But they were not in another family, they were Churchills, and neither they nor anyone else could ever forget it. From…

This is the story of Winston Churchill’s family but specifically his daughters. He and his wife Clementine had four daughters and a son. One of the daughters, Marigold, died when she was a toddler. The other three daughters Diana, Sarah, and Mary.


Each daughter provided a different role within the family. Unfortunately, they lived in the public which made life difficult. Mental illness and addiction were issues that were not dealt with as we deal with them now. The doctors used electric shock treatment which we now known does more damage than good. The author was meticulous in her research and included many documents and private letters from family members. If you like historical nonfiction, you will enjoy reading this book.

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