The Anonymous Scribe Vatican Chronicles Book 2 by John I. Rigoli and Diane Cummings

375 Pages

Publisher: The Book Whisperer

Release Date: March 15 ,2022

Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Suspicion, Biblical Times

The Scribe is young having just finished his training. His first assignment is to find Yeshua, follow him, and record his words and deeds. The priests want to use this knowledge against Yeshua and stop his preaching.

In present day, there is a search for the Secret Temple Scroll. No one know for sure if it even exists or if it is a long-held rumor. Suddenly first century coins begin to appear in Paris, France. When a former Mossad trained team is sent to Paris to investigate, they find the seller is an elderly priest and follow him to St Denis Basilica.

This book is very well written. It is fast paced, the characters are developed, and it is written in the third person point of view. The story jumps back and forth between the ancient past to current day. I found it thought provoking and intriguing. If you liked the DaVinci Code, you would enjoy this book.

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