Rose Petal Graves The Lost Clan Book 1 by Olivia Wildenstein

324 Pages

Publisher Olivia Wildenstein, Independent Book Publishers Association

Release Date: July 13, 2017

Audiobook Version

Narrated by Stephanie Fritz

Length: 9 hours and 3 minutes

Fiction, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Teens, Young Adult, Romance, Faeries

Catori is a medical student in Boston but when she gets a disturbing call that her other has died suddenly, she goes home. As a mortician’s daughter, she has grown up around death but now she questions everything about her mother’s death. When Cruz, the medical examiner arrives, her heart flips. When Cruz asks about the casket filled with fresh rose petals, she has no answers, only more questions. She begins a journey but isn’t sure she is going to like what she finds.

The book is fast paced, characters are somewhat developed, and is written in the first person point of view. This is the beginning of a series and I imagine the characters and storyline will intensify as the series progresses. The narrator is amazing. She really brings each character to life. I look forward to listening/reading the rest of the series. If you like stories about faeries, you will enjoy this book/audiobook.

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