Hideout by Louisa Luna


357 Pages

Publisher: Doubleday Books

Release Date: March 8, 2022

Fiction, General Fiction (Adult), Mystery, Thriller, Hate Group, Violence

Alice Vega is back! She takes a 30-year-old cold case of a missing college football player, Zeb Williams. She is still working with Max Caplan, recently retired from the FBI. This case takes Alice from California to the Pacific Northwest and Max to the Northeast of the country. They share information as they investigate, Max traditionally and Alice very untraditionally. Will Alice be able to find Zeb when other private detectives couldn’t?

This book is a fast paced with very developed characters. We even get a peek into Alice’s family and the dynamics between Max and his daughter, Nell. It is written in the third person point of view. I started this book and did not put it down until I was done. Yes, it was that good. Louisa Luna is a great writer and knows how to weave a story.

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