You Are Psychic by Sherrie Dillard

306 Pages

Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd, Llewellyn Publications

Release Date June 8, 2018

Nonfiction (Adult), Religion, Spirituality, Intuition

The book is divided into the following parts and chapters.

Part 1: Your Inner Psychic, Front Row and Center

Chapter 1: The Many Expressions of Psychic Awareness

Chapter 2: Obstacles to Developing Psychic Abilities

Part 2: The Psychic Characteristics and Potential of Each Psychic Type

Chapter 3: Psychic Knowing (Mental Intuitive Type)

Chapter 4: The Psychic Heart (Emotional Intuitive Type)

Chapter 5: The Body as a Psychic Antenna (Physical Intuitive Type)

Chapter 6: Psychic Sight (Spiritual Intuitive Type)

Part 3: Increasing and Refining Psychic Power

Chapter 7: Practices and Techniques to Enhance Psychic Awareness

Chapter 8: Reading Yourself

Chapter 9: Reading Another

Part 4: Your Practice: Psychic Meditation Exercises

Chapter 10: Preparation and What to Expect in the Psychic Meditation Exercises

Chapter 11: Intuiting Abundance and Finances

Chapter 12: Intuiting Career and Current Life Path

Chapter 13: Intuiting Relationship Insight

Chapter 14: Intuiting Spiritual Guidance

Chapter 15: Intuiting Steps to Attaining a Goal

Chapter 16: How to Receive Psychic Information

Sherrie does an excellent job describing the different ways that a psychic processes information. I have taken the test she provides in the book, Discover Your Psychic Type and found I am a mental and physical psychic. What I found funny was I took the test again this year, after first taking the test several years ago and had almost the same exact result. In this book, she provides exercises and ways to build up your intuition depending on your psychic type. If you are interested in improving your intuitive self, I highly recommend this book.

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