Shamanism for Every Day by Mara Bishop

437 Pages

Publisher: Kensington Books, Citadel

Release Date: March 30, 2021

Nonfiction (Adult), Religion, Spirituality, Personal Growth

The author begins the book with an introduction to Shamanism and Journey work. She discusses the importance of a teacher or guide. The remainder of the book is broken down into daily entries for the reader to use as meditation or journey work prompts. She also goes into detail about journeys to the Lower World, Upper World, and Middle World.

The entries are short, thoughtful, and insightful. They give the reader pause to think. I can see using them as jumping off points for journey work to other worlds. I have done journey work while I was studying Seidr and Norse studies. The author includes tips for drumming and contacting with your spirit animal. I recommend this book to anyone interested in Shamanism or meditation. It is nice to have small

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