Dark Goddess Craft: A Journey Through the Heart of Transformation by Stephanie Woodfield

240 Pages

Publisher: Llewellyn Publication, Llewellyn Worldwide

Release Date: November 8, 2017

Nonfiction (Adult), Religion, Spirituality

The book is divided into the following parts and chapters.

Part 1: Who is the Dark Goddess

Chapter 1: The Nature of Dark Gods

Chapter 2: Working with Dark Deities

Chapter 3: Cursing, Warding, and Other Defensive Magick

Chapter 4: The Process of Transformation

Part 2: The Descent

Chapter 5: The Washer at the Ford

Chapter 6: Akhilandeshyari

Chapter 7: Hekate

Chapter 8: Sedna

Part 3: Challenge

Chapter 9: Oya

Chapter 10: Kali

Chapter 11: Eris

Chapter 12: Ereshkigal

Part 4: Rebirth

Chapter 13: Blodeuwedd

Chapter 14: Scathach

Chapter 15: Persephone

The author has an easy-to-read writing style and goes into detail defining the concept of “dark.” The information provided on the deities included was thorough. While I understand that not all dark goddesses could be included, I was disappointed Lilith was not included. To many, She is one of the darkest Goddesses. If you have a connection with the dark goddesses, you may enjoy this book.

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