Solstice Shadows (VanOps Book 2) by Avanti Centrae

402 Pages

Publisher: Thunder Creek Press, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members’ Titles

Release Date: August 11, 2020

Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Special Ops

Maddy Marshall has been recruited to a special operations unit, but she has resisted. Now her life is in danger, and she must join her boyfriend Bear, and her brother Will. They are in search of a stolen ancient star chart. They travel through the Middle East chasing a Russian thief. Maddy must find the chart but then decipher its meaning.

The story has a fast pace, the characters are developed, and it is written in the third person point of view. Maddy is a strong and courageous woman with a black belt, but she has a soft side too. She is in the process of adopting AJ, a young boy. If you like action stories with intrigue and strong women characters, you will enjoy this book.

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