Chaotic Neutral: How the Democrats Lost Their Soul in the Center by Ed Burmilla

301 Pages

Publisher: PublicAffairs, Bold Type Books

Release Date:

Nonfiction (Adult), Politics, Government

The book is divided into the following chapters.

Chapter 1: Depression Intercession

Chapter 2: The Twin Traumas of ’68 and ‘72

Chapter 3: The Wilderness Years – Watergate Babies, Malaise, and the New Liberalism

Chapter 4: Insurgent Moderates – The Rise of the new Democrats

Chapter 5: It’s Bill Clinton’s Democratic Party Now

Chapter 6: Red Tide – 1994 and the Republication Revolution

Chapter 7: The Senseless Habits of Highly Defective People

Chapter 8: The Mysterious World Outside Washington, DC

Chapter 9: The Bush Years

Chapter 10: Obama Cometh

Chapter 11: Dr. No

Chapter 12: If You’re Waiting For a Sign, This is It

Chapter 13: Lessons Learned

Chapter 14: The Last Chapter Problem

This book is a wakeup call to Democrats. The author does an excellent job detailing how the party tried to do the right thing by pleasing everyone. He also makes suggestions to get people moving in the right direction. We, as a people, or movement, need to do something. This book can help with the planning. I cannot recommend this book enough.

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