A Killer Location: A Home Sweet Home Mystery Book – 2 by Sarah T Hobart

186 Pages

Publisher: Random House Publishing Group – Alibi, Alibi

Release Date: November 22, 2016

Fiction, Murder Mystery, Cozy Mystery, Amateur Detective

Sam Turner is a real estate agent. Just before her first open house, her sister Stacy appears on her doorstep with her foot in a cast. She will be staying for the foreseeable future in Sam’s guest cottage. Things are going to get interesting considering Sam is dating Bernie Aguilar, the local police chief, and Stacy’s ex.

At the open house, everything goes wrong. The unruly neighbor come over complaining about the overhanging tree branches and stops up the toilet. A young couple who appears to adore the house, robs it. A woman with a so-called service dog allows him to run rampant around the house while he relieves himself on everything, chews the sofa, and leaves muddy pawprints on the spotless white carpet. The finger in the freezer and dead body in the yard finishes her day.

The book has a steady pace, the characters are somewhat developed, and it is written in third person point of view. This is a cute cozy who dun it like Diane Mott Davidson’s Goldy Bear and M.C. Beaton’s Agatha Raisin. If you like amateur detective cozy books, you will enjoy reading this one.

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