Murder on the Last Frontier: A Charlotte Brody Mystery – Book 1 by Cathy Pegau

288 Pages

Publisher: Kensington Books, Kensington

Release Date: November 24, 2015

Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Strong Woman Protagonist, Alaska

It is prohibition and Charlotte Brody left her life in New York for the unknown lands of Cordova, Alaska. Her brother Michael is the local doctor and sometimes coroner and she helps him out by being his part time secretary. Charlotte is writing about women’s lives in Alaska when a local prostitute is murdered behind her boarding house. She begins investigating even after receiving threats to back off. Deputy James Eddington is the local police, and they take a liking to each other.

The story has a steady pace, the characters are developed, and it is written in the third person point of view. Charlotte is just past twenty and wants a redo to her life. She did not want the society life her parents wanted for her. She wants to be a successful newspaper woman. Moving to Alaska gives her a new start and the opportunity to do what she does best. This is the first book in the series. If you like the 1920s, murder mysteries, and some drama thrown in, you will enjoy reading this book.

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