The Devil Will Come by Glenn Cooper

450 Pages

Publisher: Lascaux Media, AuthorBuzz

Release Date: November 15, 2014

Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Vatican

Elizabetta Celestino is a university student studying Roman archeology. Her request for a dig in the catacombs is denied and her funding cancelled. An accident changes the trajectory of her future. Now as a nun, and immediately after the death of the Pope, she is being sought to explore a dig before a new pope is named.

The book has a fast pace, developed characters, and it is written in the third person point of view. The story moves through different times. There are mentions of ancient times during and shortly after Christ’s death. The story also goes to the time of Christopher Marlow and them back to the present. I love the character and hope the author writes more about her. She is a tortured soul fighting inner conflicts. If you like mysteries with a bit of religious intrigue, you will enjoy this one.

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