Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge – Audiobook

Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge by Spencer Quinn

Narrator: Petrea Burchard

Publisher: Macmillan Audio

Release Date: July 25, 2023

Listening Time: 9 Hours, 12 Minutes

Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, Identity Theft, Scam, Romania

Mrs. Loretta Plansky is a prime example of how people are tricked into giving information and money to scammers. She is 71, a widow, and lives in Florida. She has two grown children, a granddaughter, a grandson, and a 98-year-old father.

One late night, she receives a call from who she believes is her grandson Will saying he was in jail in Colorado and needed almost $10,000. He tells her of this new very encrypted payment system where the information disappears once the transaction is made so the banking information cannot be copied. The following day, she is contacted by the bank and her financial advisor about the missing money, more than $3.8 million dollars.

Loretta is not the type of person to take this news lying down. She contacts the police, and the FBI becomes involved. She finds out the money was sent to Romania, next thing she does is books a trip and is on her way.

The narrative really brings this book to life. Her vocal inflections set the scene, and I could feel the anticipation. The book has a fast pace, the characters are developed, and it is written in the third person point of view. This book reminded me of the British miniseries, Cold Call, with Sally Lindsay. Loretta’s actions were sometimes over the top crazy for someone her age to do on her own, but it showed her grit and determination to get her money back. I really enjoyed listening to this audiobook and recommend it to everyone. This is a great reminder to change your passwords right now.

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