Lush Life: An Artie Deemer Mystery, Book 2 by Dallas Murphy

273 Pages

Publisher: Brash Books

Release Date: September 13, 2014

Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Pool Games

Artie Deemer has a famous dog, Jellyroll. He wants to meet Crystal, a woman that comes to the pool hall. His attorney, Bruce, says he can introduce him to her. Bruce warns Artie that Crystal was married to Trammel Weems, a fellow law classmate with Artie.

Trammel asks Crystal’s Uncle Billy if he can use his boat. Next thing you know Trammel is missing and presumed dead along with $14 million. Now Crystal has been taken hostage. She calls Artie to come and get her but when he gets there, it’s not Crystal. That’s how Artie got kidnapped too.

The book centers around pool games, specifically nine ball. The pace is quick with a lot of action. The characters are developed, and it is written in the first-person point of view. There is a mixture of drama, comedy, and mystery. If you like stories with a dog as a main character, you will enjoy this book.

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