Shadow Ritual (Antione Marcas Freemason Thrillers Book 1) by Eric Giacometti and Jacques Ravenne

270 Pages

Publisher: Le French Book

Release Date: March 25, 2015

Fiction (Adult), General Fiction (Adult), Mystery, Thriller, Nazis, Freemasons, Vatican, Rome, Paris

During World War II, the Nazis wanted to end the three Abrahamic religions. The Thule Gesellschaft was a high-level shadow organization. Although the war is long over, the thoughts and beliefs of the organization are still alive.

Antoine Marcas, a French homicide detective is on vacation in Rome. His friend, Alexis Jaigu, a former military officer and now an intelligence operative invited Marcas to a party at the French embassy in Rome. A commotion leads the police to the mutilated body of a young woman, Sophie Dawes. Alexis asks Marcas to give his opinion on the death.

Special Agent Jade Zewiniski is assigned to the case. She is not happy to see Marcas at her crime scene. The body is immediately sent back to France to control the investigation. At the same time of Sophie’s murder, Professor Marek is murdered in Jerusalem and the Tebah stone stolen. He was attacked the same way as Sophie which links the two deaths together. Jade finds herself relying on Marcas and his knowledge of the Freemasons since Sophie was a member and was killed in a manner related to the organization.

The book has a fast pace, the characters are developed, and it is written in the third person point of view. This reminded me very much of Dan Brown’s books. If you like mysteries with a conspiracy theory twist, you will enjoy reading this book.

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