99 Keys to a Creative Life: Spiritual, Intuitive, and Awareness Practices for Personal Fulfillment
Published: 5/8/2015
Creativity is not just painting or writing--it's stepping outside the way you normally think to achieve greater happiness and personal fulfillment. With mindful, heart-based practices, 99 Keys to a Creative Life helps you make the most of your creative opportunities, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Nurture and strengthen your imaginative expression, as well as your link to what inspires you, by applying the 33 keys found in each of the three sections: awareness, intuition,…

216 Pages

Publisher: Llewellyn Publications

Release Date: May 8, 2015

I am always on the lookout for books on creativity. I like to find ways to jump start being creative. This book was what I needed at this time.


The book is divided into three sections. The reader can pick the aspect that resonates with them to create.


Awareness Keys: Heads Up! Creative opportunities are all around us!

Intuitive or Heart-Based Keys: Allow your inner compass to guide you

Spiritual or Soul-Based Keys


There is something for everyone in this book. I like the way the author has divided the book. I found that the first section called to me more than the other two. The exercises are simple and do not take any time to do. The instructions are easy to follow. I like the idea of documenting, breathing, sound healing, and practicing mindful. If you are looking for ways to jumpstart your creativity, I highly recommend this book.



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