A Death on W Street by Andy Kroll


368 Pages

Publisher: Public Affairs

Release Date: September 6, 2022

Nonfiction, Public Affairs, Politics, History, Murder, Conspiracy, True Crime

Seth Rice wanted to be in politics. He wanted to do right for his country. When he was murdered, the conspiracy theories started. People blamed him for releasing information to Wikileaks. They said he was involved in the child trafficking from a pizza parlor. The family had to hire a private investigator and an attorney to try and clear Seth’s name.

This book has everything, murder, sex, politics, chaos, and conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, it is a true story. It shows us that we should not believe everything we see or hear on social media. The book had a good pace, and the writing style was easy to read. I would recommend this book to anyone that lies to know the truth behind real life events.

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