A Secret History of Witches
Published: 9/5/2017
An ancient and dangerous power is being handed down from mother to daughter through some of the most consequential historic events of the last two centuries. After Grandmére Ursule gives her life to save her tribe, her magic seems to die with her. Even so, her family keeps the Old Faith, practicing the spells and rites that have been handed from mother to daughter for generations. Until one day, Ursule’s young granddaughter steps into the…

496 Pages

Publisher: Orbit Books / Redhook

Release Date: September 5, 2017

The book begins with Nanette at age four when her grandmother Ursule dies suddenly. It seems their magic dies with her. Nanette grows up with her older sisters live at an orchard farm. The sisters make potions and poultices, but none have the magic energy to light the crystal. One sister sees into Nanette’s future and knows a man is coming for just for her love. The rest of the story is about Nanette’s descendants and how magic affects their lives.


The story was steady paced, and the characters were well developed. It is written in third person point of view. If you like stories about magic and strong women, you will enjoy this book.

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