A Sense of Something Lost: Learning to Face Life's Challenges
Published: 3/1/2020
Everyone has a story to tell and can feel trapped by it. This inspirational memoir, A Sense of Something Lost is about liberation after years of restlessness and searching. Sue Wells, asks: can a woman who has experienced the trauma of a forced adoption be free to live her life? Do traumas, whatever their nature, shape, define or ruin our lives? Or encourage us to see that our greatest challenges are also keys to the…

Sue is a social services worker dealing with a troubled family in the 1980s. What she doesn’t realize at the time is how this family will stir up old emotions. In 1964, Sue finds herself pregnant and unmarried. Her boyfriend wants them to get married but since she is underage and her father is against it, she is sent away to have the baby and put it up for adoption. Sue is traumatized by the experience along with the death of her mother. She has no one to talk to about these events which causes her to push them further inside. When an Adoption Act goes into effect and birth records are opened, Sue receives an unexpected telephone call.

This is written as a memoir. Sue must come to terms with her feelings before she can forgive herself and lose the guilt, she has carried her entire life.

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