A Spell in the Forest: Tongue in Trees – Book 1

A Spell in the Forest: Tongue in Trees – Book 1 by Roselle Angwin
288 Pages
Publisher: John Hunt Publishing, Moon Books
Release Date: June 25, 2021
Nonfiction, Outdoors & Nature, Religion & Spirituality, Health, Mind, Body, Spirit, Ogham, Robert Graves, Celtic Tree Calendar
This is a book about trees and the forest. The author discusses the difference between physical forests and the wildwood. The author talks about the relationship between trees. She tells how a mother tree will make room so the roots of her children will have room to grow. She also shares the importance of hub trees and even the lone trees.
She talks about the world tree and Eve’s connection with the apple. She gives the story of Ogma and the Ogham trees as told by Robert Graves in The White Goddess. She gives alternate trees for the different Celtic tree months.
The second half of the book goes into detail of thirteen trees which make up the Celtic tree calendar and is found in the poem Song of Amergin. I have used the Ogham and Celtic tree calendar for twenty-five years and found new things in this book. If you love trees, you will find value in this book.