A Time of Torment (Charlie Parker – Book 14)

A Time of Torment Charlie Parker Book 14 by John Connolly
481 Pages
Publisher: Atria Books, Atria/Emily Bestler Books
Release Date: August 2, 2016
Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Private Detective, Survivalists
Charlie Parker is still on the mend. He has changed since the attack that nearly took his life. He is contacted by Jerome Burnel and asked to take his case. Charlie asks him to tell him the story. Jerome was a diamond and precious gems salesman. One night, he stops on his way home at a roadside restaurant. While he is eating, men come into the restaurant and attempt to rob it. Jerome takes matters into his hands and fights back. He is considered a hero. Time goes by and he is arrested on a child pornography charge. He denies the claim and believes he was et up as retribution for his role in thwarting the robbery.
Shortly after telling this story to Charlie Parker, he goes missing. Charlie Parker travels to Jerome’s hometown. He wants to get a feel for the man. He finds an isolated area known as The Cut where a group of survivalists live. They do not allow anyone else on their property. Charlie Parker has a feeling there is a connection with this group of people and Jerome’s disappearance. He just has to prove it.
There are several stories going on within the book. The author does a good job tying them all together. The story has a steady pace, the characters are developed, and it is written in two different perspectives. If you like mysteries with a twist, you will enjoy this book.