An Anatomy of Pain: How the Body and the Mind Experience and Endure Physical Suffering by Dr. Abdul Ghaaliq-Lalkhen

253 Pages

Publisher: Scribner

Release Date: February 2, 2021

Nonfiction, Science, Medical, Medication, Pain, Trauma

The book is divided into the following chapters.

Chapter One: How Does Pain Work

Chapter Two: A Brief History of Pain

Chapter Three: Give Me Something for the Pain

Chapter Four: The Line Between Pleasure and Pain – Opioids and Addiction

Chapter Five: Pain with No Injury

Chapter Six: Pain Management: Needles, Narcotics, and Knives

Chapter Seven: A Journey of a Thousand Miles

Chapter Eight: Torpedo Fish

Chapter Nine: Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

Chapter Ten: Show Me the Money – Private Pain Practice

Conclusion: The Beginning of the End

Dr. Chaaliq-Lalkhen does an amazing job explaining what pain is and is not. He describes different procedures used over the years in trying to stop pain. I wish I read this book before I had spinal epidurals for chronic lower back pain.

Although this is a medical book written by a doctor, the author has an easy-to-understand writing style. After reading this book, I have a completely new view on pain medications. This is a must have read for anyone that has or is dealing with pain.

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