Arc of the Goddess
Published: 6/24/2016
This year-long Arc of the Goddess course will take you on a personal journey of discovery, taking each month as the wheel of the year turns and introducing you to different goddesses and pantheons with your choice (or theirs...) about who you work with and how you work with them. The authors hope to help you connect with the magical energies of each month as well as giving you lots of practical exercises to work…

This book comes from a year-long online course they developed together. Each chapter is dedicated with a theme for the month. Within each chapter, the authors explore a different goddess as they travel the wheel of the year. What I liked about this design is they included the stages of a woman along with the elements and the seasons. There is a beautiful wheel diagram, which shows how the themes are connected.


The authors include nine goddesses for each month. Since nine is a goddess number, this makes sense. There are also devotions, crafts and recipes written specifically for each month. I also like the authors’ advice that you do not have to wait until January to begin the book. You can begin at any point of the year. So many books do that and when I come across one in June or July I do not really know what to do. Sometimes I put the book aside for the new year and then forget about starting it.


Since this is August, I included a few examples for the month. Ixchel, Medusa and The Norns are a few of the Goddesses listed. Feast and celebration days are also listed. For example, Hecate is honored on August 13th. There is a beautifully visual meditation with the reader receiving guidance from the Goddess of August in crossing a river. There is a list of energy and spell suggestions followed by moon lore. They include an outline to create a ritual and lists of crystals, oils and crafts appropriate for the month. The recipe for August is white chocolate chip scones sounds delicious.


I would recommend this book to anyone, beginner or advanced, who interested in digging deeper spiritually. The calendar and ideas in the book are easy to follow and will help keep you on track with a daily practice.

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