Betwixt & Between: Exploring the Faery Tradition of Witchcraft
Betwixt and Between: Exploring the Faery Tradition of Witchcraft
by Storm Faerywolf
360 Pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Llewellyn Publications
Release Date: January 8, 2017
Nonfiction (Adult), Religion, Spirituality, Magic, Faeries
This is a book about the Faerie Tradition and working with the Fae. I found it unusual they do not have a “harm none” or “Rule of Three.” Instead, they base each action on the moral code of the practitioner. The author discusses the importance of time management and having dedicated sacred time. This includes keeping a journal and having an altar.
There are many examples of rituals and exercises. The author gives caution when working with blue flame magic. This is a good book for anyone interested in learning more of the Faerie Tradition.