Every Trick in the Rook by Marty Wingate


250 Pages

Publisher: Random House Publishing Group – Alibi, Alibi

Release Date: March 7, 2017

Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Aviary, English, Woman Sleuth

Julia Lanchester is in a romantic relationship with Michael Sedwick. She is working at a tourist center is a small English village. When they are away on a romantic getaway, her ex-husband is found dead, and Michael is a suspect. The journalists begin chasing them, so Michael vanishes, leaving Julia to take over his duties as personal assistant to Julia’s father Rupert.

The story has a fast pace, the characters are developed, and it is written in the first-person point of view. This is the third book in the Birds of a Feather mystery series. I really like the character of Julia and have seen her grow through the series. If you love cozy mysteries, you will enjoy this series.

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