Fragrance and Wellbeing: Plant Aromatics and Their Influence on the Psyche
448 Pages
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers / Singing Dragon
Release Date: October 13, 2013
The book is divided into two parts.
Part 1: Scent – A Pan-Dimensional Perspective
Chapter 1: An overview of Olfactory sense
Chapter 2 How Scent Influences Us
Chapter 3: Scented Smoke (this section has a very detailed chart on the types of plants used by shamans)
Chapter 4: Evolution of Perfumery (this section has lists of scents used by the Egyptians and Romans)
Chapter 5: Different Philosophies of Why We use Scent (this section has a table with mood profiling and mapping along with a list of colors and fragrance types)
Part 2: Natural Palette of Aromatics
Chapter 6: The Language of Fragrance
Chapter 7: Woody, Resinous, Balsamic and Coniferous Scents
Chapter 8: Spices
Chapter 9: Herbaceous, Green, Camphoraceous, Cineolic and Agrestic Scented Botanticals
Chapter 10: Flower
Chapter 11: Citrus, Lemon-Scented Botanicals and Fruity Fragrances
Chapter 12: Attars and the Role of Fragrance in Unani Tibb Medicine
The book is written more as a textbook and full of valuable information. I was astounded with all the facts and how well she presented them. She has many documented references throughout the text and is very knowledgeable on the subject matter. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in aromatherapy, incense or perfume. I doubt there is a more comprehensive book out there.