This book is written in an interview style. It involves a woman named “Susan” that describes her harrowing experience with alien interactions. In 2009, she had her first experience and witnessed a dog taken by the aliens. The rest of the experiences were of a more personal nature. She would wake up with nose bleeds, abdominal cramps and other illnesses. She witnessed an alien being literally suck the life out of her aunt and cat.

The question always comes up if this type of person is telling the true or making it up. I have watched countless television shows (Ancient Aliens and In Search of…Aliens with Zachery Quinto which aired July 20, 2018) to know that what these people experience is real to them. I can only hope I never experience anything as terrifying as what Susan went through.

Mr. Davies listened attentively as Susan went into detail about her many experiences. It is obvious he truly cared about her well-being. The story is well written and researched. There is a section in the middle of the book regarding the Welsh Triangle and the events people experienced in the mid1970s.

If you are interested in the paranormal, supernatural, and/or aliens you will enjoy this book. As Susan requested, I am passing her message on in hopes that it helps others that have similar experiences but are afraid to talk about them.

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