Hotel Portofino
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Published: 1/18/2022
Hotel Portofino has been open for only a few weeks, but already the problems are mounting for its owner Bella Ainsworth. Her high-class guests are demanding and hard to please. And she’s being targeted by a scheming and corrupt local politician, who threatens to drag her into the red-hot cauldron of Mussolini’s Italy. To make matters worse, her marriage is in trouble, and her children are still struggling to recover from the repercussions of the…

Bella Ainsworth and her family has moved from Great Britain to Portofino, Italy. It is an idyllic place and a wonderful place for a new beginning after the first World War. The rooms are decorated with an English flair and the first demanding guests are beginning to arrive. Bella soon finds things are done differently here in Portofino after she defies a government official.


The story has a steady pace, the characters are developed, and it is written in third person point of view. The author does a wonderful job describing the location and surrounding area. I found myself wishing I could visit this boutique hotel but not during the reign of Mussolini. I thought Bella so brave to move her family and set up a business in a foreign country without wanting to ask her father for financial assistance. If you enjoy historical stories, you will enjoy this book.

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