How to Heal Yourself From Anxiety When No One Else Can
Published: 2/8/2019
A New Approach to Healing from Anxiety! Discover the remarkable energy therapy that has helped thousands of people when nothing else worked This exceptional book is a unique, go-at-your-own-pace approach full of hands-on techniques and guidance that illustrate one profound truth: healing from anxiety is possible. Join Amy B. Scher--author of the bestselling How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can--as she shares her proven methods for healing the roots of anxiety by changing…

This was an interesting book and with the current health situation my anxiety is high. There were several ideas with exercises that I thought were helpful. The information on chakras reinforced ideas that are always good to remember. I learned more tapping techniques. If you are looking for new ways or reinforce old ways to deal with anxiety, I recommend this book.

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