Kiss of Deception The Remnant Chronicles Book 1 by Mary E. Pearson

497 Pages

Publisher: Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group, Henry Holt and Co

Release Date: July 8, 2014

Fiction, Teen, Young Adult, Dystopian, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Royalty Fairy Tales, Folklore

Princess Lia is the First Daughter of Morgan. All First Daughters carry the Sight but Lia doesn’t have it yet. She is worried she will never have it. Preparing for her arranged marriage, she decides this is not the life she wants for herself and flees on horseback with her friend Pauline.

The book has a steady pace, and the characters are not very developed, and it is written in the first-person point of view from multiple perspectives. The story is based on misidentification by Lia. She chooses to run away from home but you know she is going to fall for the prince. There is a twist that I did not see coming and that made the book worth the read.

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