Living on the Inner Edge: A Practical Esoteric Tale
Published: 12/14/2018
A mystical story, breaking traditional boundaries, new thought, practices, insights, and a way of knowledge. Everyone walks their own path but in the New Age of Spirituality the idea of Group Work was born from the works of the Tibetan Master D.K., where he introduced the idea of group work on the physical plane and in the higher spheres of the Soul, and the Gurdjieff/Ouspensky Work which was accomplished through intense group meetings and personal…

This is a memoir written in the first person. The author discusses his travels and religious experiences. It shows his growth and journey along his path and takes place over many years. He also gives examples of situations other group members go through along with the Masters. The esoteric material is deep and thought provoking. There were several statements that resonated with me:

“When you start to search for the Path, it means that the Essential Nature is stirring or awakening. It also indicates that the Soul, on its own plane, is trying to extend an invisible hand to guide the personality.” (Kindle location 205)

“So the Essential Nature when it awakens is like a newborn baby. Babies cannot just get up and walk, talk, and do things. This is the state of the Essential Nature of most aspirants.” (Kindle location 223)

“Mantra is like an esoteric communication device. Just like when you use a push button phone, each number has a note designated by a beep. Hitting a certain number of a series of numbers creates a pattern of sounds. If you’ve keyed in the correct pattern of numbers, then you will shortly be connected to another person whose contact number corresponds to those numbers that were typed in on the phone. Thus the use of a mantra is to contact or invoke a deity that corresponds to a particular mantra.” (Kindle location 1717)

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