Making Love Potions: 64 All-Natural Recipes for Irresistible Herbal Aphrodisiacs by Stephanie L Tourles

192 Pages

Publisher: Storey Publishing, Storey Publishing, LLC

Release Date: November 29, 2016

Nonfiction, Health, Mind, Body, Spirit, Love, Hobby, Crafts

The book is divided into the following chapters.

Introduction: The Language of Love

Chapter 1: Lascivious Libations

Chapter 2: Scentual Treasures to Entice and Delight

Chapter 3: Aromatic Baths to Silken the Skin and Set the Mood

Chapter 4: Luxurious Oils for Sensual Massage

Chapter 5: Edible Body Butters, Balms, and Lubricants

Chapter 6: Love Potions: herbal Tonics to Inspire Passion

Chapter 7: Delectably Decadent Sweets

Chapter 8: Aphrodite’s Apothecary: Everything You Need

The chapter on libations is all about tastes and cordials. The sangria sounds amazing, and I have the perfect wine to use. Chapter 2 provides instructions for making body powers, sprays, and oils. Since I make soap, lotions, and deodorants, these fragrance combinations will be interesting to try. In chapter 3, the author suggests bathing with milks and creams. The recipes in this chapter along with chapters 4, 5, and 6 sound good but I am always cautious when an author suggests ingesting essential oils. She mentions that the recipes are edible and using essential oils neat, I would caution readers to research the essential oils prior to any use.

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