Murder on Location: A Charlotte Brody Mystery – Book  3 by Cathy Pegau

288 Pages

Publisher: Kensington Books, Kensington

Release Date: February 2017

Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Strong Woman Protagonist, Alaska

Charlotte Brody has settled into her life in Cordova, Alaska. Her budding relationship with Deputy James Eddington is moving at a snail’s pace. She is now the guardian to Becca, an Eyak, from a First Nation’s tribe. A movie crew has come to film North to Fortune. Tensions run high between the First Nations people and the film crew. When an accident turns into a murder investigation, anyone could be the suspect.

The story has a steady pace, the characters are developed, and it is written in the third person point of view. Charlotte is a successful newspaper woman for the local paper and submitting pieces to the paper in New York. She is a strong independent woman a head of her times. This is the third book in the series. I read the first book but not the second in the series but I was able to follow along in this story. If you like the 1920s, prohibition, murder mysteries, and high drama thrown in, you will enjoy reading this book.

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