Natchez Burning Penn Cage Book 4 by Greg Iles

865 Pages

Publisher: William Morrow

Release Date: April 29, 2014


Narrator: David Ledoux

Listening Time: 35 Hours, 53 Minutes, 43 Seconds

Fiction, Historical Fiction, Legal Thriller, Mystery, Thriller, Civil Rights, 1960s

The story begins with civil unread in the 1960s. The KKK is actively working in Mississippi. Albert Norris, a Black man who owned a music and instrument store is attacked. He hid a young Black man accused of having sex with a young White woman.

A group of men split off from the KKK. Instead of wearing robes, they carry double eagle gold coins. This is the beginning of the Double Eagles created by Frank Knox. Tom Cage, Penn’s father, is accused of killing his former nurse Viola. Her son believes Tom murdered her. This sets off a string of events that cannot be stopped.

This is the first in the Natchez Burning trilogy. It is emotional and there are violent scenes. The characters are developed but since this is the first in the trilogy, I believe they will develop more over the next two books. The action jumps back and forth between the 1960s and 2005, in the months after Hurricane Katrina. The past portions are written in the third person point of view and the recent parts are in the first-person point of view.

The narrator, David Ledoux gave a great performance. To me, he became the voice of Penn Cage.  If you enjoy reading historical fiction, you may enjoy reading or listening to this book.

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