New World Witchery: A Trove of North American Folk Magic by Cory Thomas Hutcheson


Publisher: Llewellyn Publications, Llewellyn Worldwide

Release Date: April 8, 2021

Nonfiction (Adult), Religion, Spirituality, Folklore, North American, Magic, Rituals

The book is divided into the following chapters parts with exercises, and practical work.

First Rite: Naming

Second Rite: Initiation

Third Rite: Casting the Spell

Fourth Rite: Second Sight

Fifth Rite: Flight

Sixth Rite: Chewing the Root

Seventh Rite: The Familiar

Eighth Rite: Hallowing the Ground

Ninth Rite: Calling the Moon

Tenth Rite: Working the Charm

Eleventh Rite: Necromancy

Twelfth Rite: Invisibility

The author has a conversational style of writing. Since I share a birthday with Margaret Hamilton, the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz, I am always tickled to see her mentioned. I appreciate the author’s comments on magic being neutral. Some people get caught up in white or black and good vs bad. Magic is up to the practitioner, and I was glad to see him mention that fact. I also like that he states you do not need to purchase magical tools and a fancy book. This is a great book for anyone new to the practice looking for alternative to Raymond Buckland’s Big Blue Book.

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