Pitch Dark by Paul Doiron

304 Pages

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press, Minotaur Books

Release Date: June 25, 2024

Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Troubled Children

Mike Bowditch is a game warden with the Maine Warden Service. When rookie, Brandon Barstow, calls him to report a possible missing person. The missing man, Ammon Pratt, was looking for Mark Redmond, a cabin builder.

Mike contacts his father-in-law, retired chief pilot warden, Chuck Stevens. Together they go to see Josie, a bush pilot. They ask her to take them to the remote cabin she is having built in the Canadian border. Josie tells them about Mark and his eleven-year-old daughter, Cady. They live off the grid and have little interaction with people. This makes Mike uneasy and makes him hurry to find them.

The book is fast paced, the characters are somewhat developed, and it is written in the first-person point of view. The book takes place over the course of a couple of days. There is a lot of action and adventure during the search. If you like action packed mysteries, you may enjoy reading this book.

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