Raising Faith: A True Story of Raising a Child Psychic-Medium
The author is raising not one but two intuitive psychic children. She began researching spirit world and psychic mediums to help them along their journey. As a homeopathic, she is open-minded and goes to great lengths to try to understand what life must be like for her children.
As she travels this new path of learning, Claire finds herself opening up to psychic experiences. In one example, she picks up negative energy from one of her patients and needs to see a specialist to have it removed. She provides valuable tips for grounding, centering and protection and explains the importance of doing this before any psychic interaction. In fact, I have used her techniques many times to ground and center myself before my animal communication sessions.
This was a quick read and flowed easily between the stories. The book is written in first person narrative. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in connecting with others and those with family members with psychic abilities.