Run and Hide
Published: 8/22/2018
There’s only so long you can run for your life. Eva Driscoll is used to chasing down bad guys, but now the bad guys are chasing her. She knows they won’t stop until she’s dead. After her brother is killed in a faked suicide, Driscoll teams up with ex-soldier Rees Colback, the one person who can help her find answers. Together they’re determined to uncover why members of his Special Forces squad are dying in…

Rees Colback was minding his own business when guys jump out of a vehicle and try to take him. He is rescued by Eva Driscoll, a CIA operative. After her brother was killed, she is trying to find out who was behind the hit.

Len Smart and Sonny Blaines work for Tom Gray in the U.K. as security specialists. They are losing contracts to another security firm that continues to undercut their prices. When Andrew Harvey, an agent for MI5 asks them to take a job, they accept. When Eva sees them for the first time, she is disappointed until she sees them in action.

The ESO is an organization of the richest men in the world. They control corporations and countries. The leader, Henry Langston, is not happy and has his sights on Eva Driscoll. She and her team must find ways to stop the ESO before they find her.

The book is written in the third person. The story is fast paced, and the characters are developed. Eva is a strong woman trained in espionage. It is great to see such a woman in charge. I loved this book and quickly purchased the other two in the series! There is another series with Tom Gray, that has tie-ins to this series. It made me really think about political situations and who benefits from world events.

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