Silencing White Noise: Six Practices to Overcome Our Inaction on Race by Willie Dwayne Francois III

197 Pages

Publisher: Baker Academic & Brazos Press, Brazos Press

Release Date: August 16, 2022

Nonfiction, Multicultural, Christian, Racial, Racism

The book is divided into the following chapters

Chapter 1: Cues to Color: Embracing Differences as Gift

(White Noise: “I don’t see color We are all the same in Christ.”)

Chapter 2: Momentum to Encounter: Confronting the Histories of Whiteness

(White Noise: “It’s not my fault. Slavery was so long ago. Get over it.”)

Chapter 3: Pattern Recognition: Honoring Our Interdependence

(White Noise: “I’ve had it hard too, but I worked Hard.”)

Chapter 4: Syncopated Identity: Exploring Our Fuller Selves

(White Noise: “Why does everything have to be about race?”)

Chapter 5: Pulse to Risk: Sacrificing Our Power and Privilege

(White Noise: “It’s not my job to fix racism.”)

Chapter 6: Downbeat Truth: Naming Our Complicity with Racism

(White Noise: “I’m scared of the backlash.”)

Conclusion: Invent Hope Every Day

I am so pleased I was able to read and review this book. The author is an amazing writer with the ability to write as if he is talking with you. He touches on many hot topics with a light touch but with a heavy meaning. Each of the subjects he discusses should be discussions held every day by everyone. We need to find ways to remove the white noise from our lives. If you are interested in finding a better way to communicate with others, I highly recommend this book.

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