Sin Eater
For the crime of stealing bread, fourteen-year-old May receives a life sentence: she must become a Sin Eater—a shunned woman, brutally marked, whose fate is to hear the final confessions of the dying, eat ritual foods symbolizing their sins as a funeral rite, and thereby shoulder their transgressions to grant their souls access to heaven. Orphaned and friendless, apprenticed to an older Sin Eater who cannot speak to her, May must make her way in…

One of my favorite movies is The Order with Heath Ledger playing the role of a Sin Eater. When I saw this book, I knew I had to read it. May Owens is sentenced to become a Sin Eater for stealing a loaf of bread. She must now be unseen and unheard by society. As a young teenager, this is worse than a life sentence. She moves in with another Sin Eater but since there is no talking, communication is difficult. May does not know how to read and learning from the Sin Eater is almost impossible.


When they travel to the Queen’s castle for two deaths, deer hearts are placed on the coffins of the women. This symbolizes the death of a royal child. Since no one confessed that sin, the original Sin Eater is crushed with stones as punishment. May is intrigued but all the subterfuge. She starts looking into who may have been responsible for the deer hearts and the meanings of their placement.


This book is written in first person point of view in the present tense with flashbacks. The book was an enjoyable read. There are some old English terms, but they do not have any negative impact on the story.

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