State Change: End Anxiety, Beat Burnout, and Ignite a New Baseline of Energy and Flow
Published: 1/18/2022
A 30-day program for reaching a new level of energy, clarity, and calm, based on a paradigm shifting idea: You have to change your body to change your mind and mood. Too often, conventional medicine treats the body as separate from the mind, ignoring physical issues like chronic illness and weight gain. Science shows that these issues are oftentimes intricately entwined with mood issues like depression, anxiety, stress, and persistent fatigue. In State Change, Dr.…

The book is divided into the following chapters.

Chapter One: The True Secret to Transformation

Chapter Two: How You Really Feel

Chapter Three: What Your Life is Doing to Your Brain

Chapter Four: The Diagnostic Tests You Really Need

Chapter Five: Move the Energy

Chapter Six: Food for Energy, Focus, and Flow

Chapter Seven: The Universal Addiction Killing Our Mind and Draining Our Mood

Chapter Eight: Supplements to Change Your Energy and Flow

Chapter Nine: The New Frontiers: Psychedelics, Meditation, and Energy Healing

Chapter Ten: Putting Words to Work: A Thirty-Day Plan to Reset Your Mind and Body

The book is designed to be a 30-day program to reset your body and mind. I learned a lot reading this book. I found that many of issues are all related. I made an appointment with my doctor and discussed them with him. I am also considering finding a Functional Medical Doctor in my area for an overall evaluation. If you have been dealing with health issues and have had trouble finding the root of the problem, you should read this book. It may just change your life.

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