Stones of the Goddess
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Published: 2/19/2019
A practical guide to working with gemstones and crystals connected to Goddess energy for magick, healing, and transformation • Explores more than 100 Goddess-centered stones and crystals, including amazonite, amethyst, birthing stones, thundereggs, geodes, Lemurian seed crystals, sakura stone, yeh ming zhu, and carnelian, also known as the blood of Isis • Details each stone’s astrological and elemental correspondences, Goddess archetypes, healing properties, magickal uses, and aspects of the Divine Feminine it embodies • Includes…

The book is divided into three parts. Part one covers the basics of crystal and stones. This includes identifying crystal energy, selecting, caring, and maintaining your crystals and stones. Anyone familiar with crystals realize they each have their own frequency. This section describes the different shapes and forms of crystals.


Part two is called Meeting the Goddess. This section discusses the history of the Goddess, the rise of God and the rebirth of the Goddess. The author goes into detail of the difference faces of Goddess including the form of the Triple Goddess. The section on rituals and spells begins with the importance of creating sacred space and discusses how to create your own rituals. I found the section on crystal grids to be very enlightening. These can be used for personal growth and transformation. There are examples of charm bags using herbs and crystals. The section closes with the topic of crystal elixirs. I must admit I had not tried these before but have purchased them. These were very easy to make. A friend and I made the Diana’s Essence with moonstones, amethyst, silver and jasmine.


Part three is a compendium of crystals and makes up more than half of the book. There are more than 100 stones and crystals listed in the book. Each entry looks at the history and mineral science to help the reader identify stones and crystals for specific uses. The author identifies magickal (the author explains why he uses the “k” at the end of magic) uses along with elemental, astrological and Goddess associations. Each entry includes a photo and the formation process of each crystal. In some cases, for example agate, there are multiple entries for the different types (Blue lace, Fire, Moss, Orbicular)


I found this book to be very complete. The author has an exhaustive resources section and references many well-known historians and researchers. The table of correspondences at the end of the book is a very handy reference guide when the reader wants to match a crystal to a specific Goddess, element, planet, or zodiac sign.



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