Swords of the Six by Scott Appleton

512 Pages

Publisher: AMG Publishers, Living Ink Books

Release Date: February 17, 2011

Fiction, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Dragons, Faeries, Wizards, Witches

Xavion was one of six swordsmen. When a traitor takes lives, the swords are kept by the Albino, the white dragon for his six daughters. Xavion is brought back to life and given the name Specter with the ability to cloak himself. Albino gives him the task of watching over his daughters to keep them safe.

Each of Albino’s daughters has a curse. If they become pregnant, they must give their life for the life of the child. Even though they have dragon blood, the girls appear to be human. Dantress is the youngest of the daughters and his favorite. He knows her fate in life will be different than her sisters.

The book is long, but it has a steady pace. The characters are somewhat developed, and it is written in the third person point of view. It does tend to jump from different characters which could be confusing at times. It kept my interest and I enjoyed reading about young women fighting with swords which is so different than traditional dragon slaying and young men. If you like dragon stories with strong female characters, you will enjoy this book.

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