Taking Back the Constitution: Activist Judges and the Next Age of American Law
Published: 07/14/2020
How the Supreme Court’s move to the right has distorted both logic and the Constitution The Supreme Court has never simply evaluated laws and arguments in light of permanent and immutable constitutional meanings, and social, moral, and yes, political ideas have always played into Supreme Court justices’ impressions of how they think a case should be decided. Mark Tushnet traces the ways constitutional thought has evolved from the liberalism of the New Deal and Great…

There is a reference from John Roberts that judges are like umpires at a ballgame calling balls and strikes. To me it is hard to see legal issues broken down to such simple definitions since the law seems to be more shades of gray. The placement of judges shows how the court could lean for decades.



This book is written as a reference book and although at times was difficult to read, I enjoyed learning about the Supreme Court and how it operates. It explains the difference between originalists and living constitutionalists referring how the constitution is interpreted. The basis seems to be intent of specific words which seems difficult to gage from a document written over 200 years ago. If you are interested in the law, politics, or the future direction of the country, you may enjoy this book.

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