Tarot and the Chakras: Opening New Dimensions to Healers
208 Pages
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing
Release Date: September 22, 2014
In the editor’s note, the book is described as a different kind of Tarot book. I completely agree with this statement. This is a very complete book which includes the body as a whole which is something I haven’t seen before. I love the images she provides detailing the body with references to tarot, colors, elements and astrology.
She mentions that instead of memorizing the cards it is easier to remember them as stories. She discusses the thirteen challenge cards of the Tarot. The meditations in Chapter 3 are very good. I appreciate the tips about focus and how it ties into the tarot, chakras, and meditation.
The instructions for card layouts and readings are very detailed. She provides lists of questions to ask. She follows this with a guide for bodywork. Chapter five is more inclusive of the Tarot correspondences and how everything relates to each other (chakra, part of the body, color, planet, symbol, quality, element and sound). She even includes a section on reflexology. She concludes with a section of home remedies to balance your chakras. I highly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in Tarot and/or Chakras. I guarantee you will learn something you did not know before.