The Art of Lucid Dreaming by Clare R Johnson PhD

264 Pages

Publisher: Llewellyn Publications, Llewellyn Worldwide

Release Date: March 8, 2020

Nonfiction (Adult), Religion, Spirituality

The book is divided into the following parts and chapters.

Part One: Getting Lucid: How to Wake Up in Your Dreams

Chapter 1: What is Lucid Dreaming

Chapter 2: Powerful Practices to Help You Wake Up in Your Dreams

Chapter 3: Relax Your Way to Lucid Dreaming

Chapter 4: Create Your Unique Lucidity Programme

Part Two: Staying Lucid: How to Have Longer, More Satisfying Lucid Dreams

Chapter 5: Powerful Practices for Longer Lucid Dreams

Chapter 6: Train Your Mind to Keep on Lucid Dreaming

Part Three: Best Techniques for Guiding Lucid Dreams

Chapter 7: How to Guide Lucid Dreams with the Power of Thoughts and Intentions

Chapter 8: Facing and Embracing Nightmares

Chapter 9: Going Deeper: Creativity, Healing and Spiritual Lucid Experiences


Appendix I: Unique Lucidity Programme Template

Appendix II: Examples of Unique Lucidity Programmes

The author has a descriptive writing style. She makes the instructions process of waking during dreaming easy to follow. Most nights I do dream and remember in great detail. I am looking forward to using her directions to wake during a dream. There are sixty different practices for readers to try. The idea of lucid dreaming reminds me of the movie Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio. He was awake during dreams within dreams. If you are interested in the concept of lucid dreaming, you will enjoy reading this book.

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